Discover your passion & prepare yourself to succeed in computer science!
Show up on your first day feeling confident you have chosen the right major for you, and are ready to succeed in it, professional & academically!
Academic knowledge & methods for top grades!
Career toolkit for getting jobs in first-year & beyond!
Key skills to develop in high school for university!
Why this course will help you?
So that you never say "I wish I knew"
- Did you know applications for summer internships in university can close as early as September - less than one month into your first year of university – requiring your resume, cover letter, LinkedIn, & other career tools to be ready?
- Or that applying for club experience within your first two weeks can increase your chances significantly of getting a position in your field in your first year of university?
- How about that you may have only three evaluations that make up an entire course grade, making it that much more important to have strong study methods from the start?
- Or did you know some lectures can be of 300 people in size or more, making learning much more self-guided and textbook heavy than in high school?
- And finally, do you truly know what you're going to learn in your program and if you'll like it?
Many students realize, only once they're in university, what they should have done to understand their program better and be prepared academically and professionally before entering university. How they could have avoided a drop in grades, acquired more scholarships, not had to have switched programs because they didn't like what they chose, or have been able to secure an internship in their first year!
Don't worry - we have designed a solution! Enroll now and avoid the struggles the university students of today face! Show up on your first day feeling confident you have chosen the right program, and are ready to succeed in it, professionally & academically!
Course Expert & Instructor
Computer Science Instructor
Andrew Liu
Course Description
In our Introduction course to Computer Science, we discuss different university content, teaching styles, and learning styles in our first module to familiarize you with what topics you could expect to learn in a first year Computer Science program. We then cover some tips and tricks in creating a competitive Computer Science Supplementary Application and Portfolio, and lastly we dive into different Computer Science careers and how to land your first internship!
Sample Course Material
Register for your free preview now for more!
Includes: - Real computer science university curriculum - One of a kind insight into university from the perspective of a graduated student - Additional learning material & guides on everything from specializations to careers to computer science portfolios, to ensure you're ready to reach your full potential! - Sample resumes and cover letters from real computer science students - & so much more! Check out sample previews of what is included in the course here:
Module 3 | University Student Computer Science Resume
Module 2 - Lesson 2 | Building a computer science portfolio for university & job applications!
See the full course curriculum outline below and ENROLL NOW FOR FULL ACCESS!
Course curriculum
Introduction | Who am I & what will you be learning in this course?
Introduction | Who am I & what will you be learning in this course?
Module 1 | Become a computer science student - curriculum, teaching, studying, grading, specialization & post-grad opportunities!
1.1 | What will you learn in your first-year of computer science?
1.2 | Learn university computer science terms like a first-year would!
1.3 | What can you specialize in computer sciences & post-grad computer science degrees?
1.4 | How you're taught, tested, and how to study CS for top grades!
Module 1 | Key Takeaways & Conclusion
Module 1 | Learning Activity
Module 1 | Glossary & Specializations
1.2 | Computer Science Glossary
1.3 | Computer Science Specializations
Module 2 | Applications and Portfolio Tips
2.2 | CS Supplementary Applications & Building your portfolio
Module 2 | Announcment
Module 2 | Additional Application and Portfolio
2.1 CS Supplementary Applications
2.2 Building your CS Portfolio
Module 3 | Getting Hired in Computer Science
3.1 | Computer science career opportunities
3.2 | Hiring process and roadmap
3.3 | Tips for building a CS resume
3.4 | What to write in your cover letter
3.5 | Utilizing LinkedIn and GitHub for CS jobs
3.6 | Tips on building and using your network
3.7 | How to PASS your CS job interview!
Module 3 | Key Takeaways & Conclusion
Module 3 | Learning Activity
Module 3 | Resumes, Cover Letters, GitHub & Interviews
3.3 Resume Samples
3.5 GitHub
3.7 Behavioural Technical Interview Questions
3.4 Cover Letter Sample
Does this course only help me if I want to go into computer science at the University of British Columbia?
This course is designed to be university-agnostic. It represents the generalizable curriculum across Canadian ComputerScience university programs—ensuring that you are SET UP FOR ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL SUCCESS NO MATTER WHERE YOU GO!
Is there a way for me to contact university students and answer my questions about programs?
Yes! In fact, one unique aspect of How2University is it is entirely designed and run by current or recently graduated university students. This way, you can be sure you're getting a transparent preview into what life & a career in this major is actually like! In this course, you will find discussion boards attached to each lesson, where you can directly ask us - How2University - all of your questions and we will reply accordingly.